Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cactus Has Landed!

Just a quick update to let y'all know that the experiment cubes have safely arrived at the Cubes in Space headquarters!

Thank you for reading!


Monday, May 16, 2016

And They're Off!

The two experiment cubes have been given to our teacher for shipping, and the control cubes are stored safely in our school closet. Now, we wait!

Thank you for reading!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Packing the Cubes

Today Julius and I packed the experiments, and we will give them to our teacher tomorrow.

Firstly, we gathered all of our materials.

Then we got to work cutting the cactus.

First cut!

Trimming the spines.

This piece is so light!

 On to the next one!

After that, we tried to pack the first cube, but the rice we used to weigh it down was too light, so we had to switch to gravel.

We collected the smallest gravel we could find, sterilized it with boiling water,

and then dried it on a paper towel.

Finally, we packed the first cube!

We then repeated the process for the sounding rocket cube and the control cubes.


All done!

Thank you for reading!


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Cutting the Cactus

This afternoon Julius got the cactus pads for the experiment. (We are so exited!)

The "Mother Plant"
The cactus pads are now drying on a concrete table in the garden.

Thank you for reading!
